Monday, June 30, 2008

Wessner Family

I have been attempting to digest my weekend. If you have never heard Kay Arthur speak...I could barely breathe listening to a 74 year old women challenge this generation to Holiness. This is not a blog about my weekend, although that will be coming son, Anson, has been wanting to post one of his "basic expressions" for a while, so we have a it is. Maybe we'll try to get pictures on later...I don't have pics on my laptop, so maybe this afternoon. Until are a few things about Team Wessner

Anson Arthur age 5 1/2 Likes to play Power Rangers, Transformers and Rescue Heroes. His favorite book is Pirateology (from Aunt Aimee). His favorite day of the week is Sunday because he likes to worship God. Something I would like people to know about me is, I really like watching Tom and Jerry.

Julia May age 3 1/2 Likes to play Princesses and watch Tom and Jerry. Her favorite book is Anne of Green Gables (my soul wells up). Her favorite day of the week is also Sunday because she likes worshipping the Lord. Something I would like people to know about me is that I love to cuddle with Mommy and watching Princesses.

Eleanor Ruth (Ella) 1 1/2 (By Julia) She loves hugging Julia. She loves wrestling with me (Julia) and watching Sesame Street. Her favorite books are "Melmo" (Elmo) Books. We think Ella would want to know that she cuddles with Julia, play games, enjoys puzzles and DANCING!

Those are my children. Hopefully we'll get some pics for you. I've been a bit paranoid lately about pics and more info, but as I visit websites of others, I love seeing their'll bravely step into the "uploading" world soon. Say a little prayer for me! Anson wants me to do my "information" here's a bit about me.

My name is Alison Irish and I am 30 years old. I am a former school teacher. I had a first year and a last year. I taught at a wonderful school in Valdosta, GA. It really was a great experience. I am now a full time wife and mother who plans on homeschooling our children through High School. I LOVE a good book. I just finished Blue Like Jazz and would highly recommend it. I enjoy folk music and Christian music that points me to my ever-increasing need for a Savior. I LOVE to study God's word and share it with others. I could go on and on. I have enjoyed the world of blogging and meeting new people through this process. I'll be back soon with a cup of cold water from the Deeper Still conference. If I can even talk about it without weeping!!! Have a great day.


Linda said...

Ah...Anson Arthur and Scott Alexander sound like one and the same (Power Rangers, Transformers and Rescue Heroes - remind me to tell you a GODLY story about those guys, the RH's!). Scotty doesn't know about Pirateology YET...but LOVES pirates (and he dressed like one for Halloween, and still likes to dress up and play pirate!). He's beginning to get a love for Sunday - Sunday School and all that is FUN for him!

Miss Julia sounds like a total girly-girl (something I wished I'd had!)...and of course, Miss Ella will follow in her big sister's footsteps, of that I am sure.

I am going to look for that book you mentioned...I am a bibliophile as well!

Thanks for sharing your family with us!

Sharon said...

Yeah, I was a little worried at first....Especially having their names and pictures...I have seen people use codenames for their kids and to block out the kids faces on pics...but I have decided that it is mostly my family and friends that visit my blog....I am not a "popular" site so I am not worried. Plus I love seeing other sites with their children too.

Heather said...

Yes pictures please!! :) I would love to see the kiddies. Wish we lived closer but blogs are a nice way to keep in touch. I love hearing about the family. Oh, and thanks for the kind words on my "creations." I am enjoying it but always nervous if others think something is a cute as I do.