Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...Wreckage.

So, there I am in all of my pregnant glory. The pictures are in order of the children. The first was taken a few weeks before my due date with Anson, the second was the day before my c-section with Julia, and the third was the morning I went in for Ella. I'm so sorry to sound so cliche', but, it seems as though it was only yesterday. The kids are now 6, 4, and 2 and I'm shocked at their abilities. I suppose that is where it all started. That is where the wrecking began.

They wrecked my body. I used to have some body. I look back at pictures and think, "Man, I thought I was fat? I was beautiful!" Just last night I happened upon a high school photo and noticed my shirt was tucked in, I had on a belt, and there was NO MUFFIN TOP! I was a cute little thang if I do say so myself. Some parts of my body have sadly yielded to the powerful force of gravity and only my feet are faithful when it comes to choosing a size. My feet never (only during pregnancy) feel tight in the size that they are supposed to be. My feet are good to me!

They wrecked my mind. I never forgot to brush my teeth until I had children. I used to speak in complete sentences and not use "potty talk." I found it inappropriate to talk about various parts of the body, nausea, or breast infections in mixed company...those days are long gone. I remember being so embarassed by my inability to communicate over the phone to some insurance lady that I actually told her that I was a college graduate, but couldn't think straight because I was pregnant! It was pretty bad. I never put cereal in the refrigerator until I had children. I've never heard an incessant beep telling me that something was ready and been unable to remember what I was timing. I wasn't top of the class (like Mike was) but I wasn't the bottom of the barrel, either. Now I have been known to scour the trash cans for missing pictures or utensils that have been inadvertantly thrown away by an overly zealous toddler.

They wrecked my sleep habits. I used to sleep through the night and wake refreshed and ready for the day. Now it is not unusual to wake up only to find my hands scrubbing "pee-pee" off the floor and trying (quietly) to find clean panties and comfort a screaming child while begging the God of the Universe to let the other children stay asleep. Then I crawl back into bed only to wake my husband so that he knows that I was up...and he wasn' least until I woke him up! Saturday mornings Mike and I would sleep in, wake up to eat breakfast and maybe go back to bed. Not anymore. We wake up with 3 other people making their needs known to us and we, well, we comply...we just want peace on earth!

They wrecked my marriage. We used to talk quietly about our day over dinner and then watch some Wheel of Fortune before piddling around the house and then heading to bed. We used to go to movies without 3 weeks notice to find a sitter...we'd actually just go to the theatre and see what was playing and decide right there what we would watch. Then, we'd go to dinner.

They wrecked me. I used to meet friends for lunch, or dinner, spend hours with the Lord, finish books and write more letters. Now my lunch and dinner dates include them, I am teaching them how to meet with the Lord and how to read and write themselves. Lots of wrecking, but you know what...I needed it.

Before my children I don't think I really relied on God for the fruits of the Spirit. I was pretty capable of getting through my day on a wing and a prayer...although there was all that Bible study I was able to pull off! I was self-centered and selfish believing that serving others could take place on short-term mission trips and "special occasions."

Mike and I are a team now. We have a common honor the Lord in our marriage while we train our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We cling to each other and dinner involves reviewing our scripture memory and discussing the adventures of the day. We snuggle up and watch movies on the couch. Saturday's are full of life and abundance. Our cups overflow. We were wrecked, we are wrecked, thankfully God has a Savior for wreckage. They wrecked me, for sure and if you know me well you know that I don't sugar-coat the joys and pains of motherhood. I am so thankful that I am not the same woman that I was even 4 years ago. They have changed me, refined me, they are certainly instruments in God's hands as He molds me more and more into the image of His precious Son. They are gifts, I know that, I hug them a little bit tighter everyday.

So, to all of you out there that are enjoying this day...the breakfast in bed, the pampering and hugs...let's not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest...maybe our children will even rise and call us blessed. Who knows...until then...I hope that you enjoy the wreckage and trust God that He will pick up all of the pieces.


berrypatch said...

So very true. Thanks for sharing this. Happy Mother's Day!!!

Hadassah said...

Oh, Ali! I love this post! And I love the pictures too! That second one reminded me of a picture taken the night before me second c-section.

I join you in being 'wrecked' but only for a beautiful refurbishing in the end.

Marie said...

I enjoyed reading this immensely. (I have 4 kids myself!) You are a great mom, I can tell. Happy Mom's Day!

Pelos said...

Oh how I melted to read your post! I so share your feelings of wreckage and the renovations that the Lord has done since. But for me, those long quiet times were only a show before marriage, a formula as a newly-wed and now as a mom, it is truly a life giving source. I was thinking just tonite of the awe that struck me the moment I became a mom...that God would give me a child! I would never reduce God to a comparison of myself as a parent, but oh how He teaches me through my children!Amazing! Thank you for your thoughts.

Jo said...

One of your best posts to date! Why oh why did we all think we were fat in college??? Madness, I tell you. :)

Sheryl said...

Beautiful Ali. Just beautiful! Your post and you. Thanks for all the encouragment. I'm headed off to do homeschool at the library after a trip to the glorious golden arches. Nasty hamburgers, how to multiply by 5, end of the year testing in writing, and all while trying to keep a four year old boy from whining. I'm off to enjoy the wreakage!

Our Journey to Africa said...

What a great post. I laughed out loud at the wreckage that we share and was definitely encouraged that I'm not the only one!! :) Happy Mother's day!

The Severances said...

How fun. I love your pictures! Totally relate to everything you wrote. Happy Mother's Day :-)

Just His Best said...

That is great! You do look like you're expecting twins in Julia's picture. Amazing...

Girl, you are skin and bones now! :)