By now you all know that I am not super savvy when it comes to the pictures and links and whatnot. The truth is...I'm just not and don't really want to be. However, I would like a picture of the gas stations here in my neck of the woods. The picture would have 2-3 police cars parked in front with lines wrapped around the station and backed up into the road. Then there would be another picture of a vacant station with yellow or white bags on all of the nozzles indicating that the well is dry. So, there is your I'll start my blog...
As you can see from my picture (hee hee hee) the gas stations around here are crazy. The other night I was headed to a jewelry party and I couldn't figure out why the traffic was so slow and why there were police officers at Kroger. Then I saw the gas station...good grief...the line was wrapped all the way around and was flowing over into the parking lot, and into the was insane. Immediately I checked our gauge...full...imagine that. Then I passed Wal-Mart, same thing. What on earth? Of course I said what I say when things seem odd, or funny, or whatever, "I'm gonna blog about this." Upon my arrival, I immediately asked the ladies what was up with the gas and they just said that we were running out and people didn't want to be left high and dry.
I wasn't sure of what angle I was going to take until it hit me while I was on my way home. I had just met with my sweet friend and we had a chance to read and pray through Psalm 121, then we could just sit back and be satisfied in who God is and how He loves His children. While I was passing the now deserted stations I thought, "That's it! God's grace!"
Let me just say that by the end of the day I have used up all my good works, my kind words and my happy heart is just plain tired. I begin to see more of "me" and less of Jesus...and sometimes I'm just discouraged. I really see it at bedtime. I kiss the kids, tell them I love them and enjoyed the day with them. We breathe a sigh of relief and then the door opens. I try to be kind (usally I'm not) and say, "Go to bed." This happens at least 2 or 80 more times and finally I'm just like...a crazy person. My voice changes, my face the looks on their faces I morph into a raging lunatic with 2 heads...both screaming! I run out. I just can't do it all. I don't want to, either. Are you laughing? Nodding your head? If haven't put your kids to bed yet!
One of my favorite verses (I say that alot!!!)can be found in the book of Lamentations. "Because of the LORD'S great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'" Lam. 3:22-24That is such good news for me. Because I am easily exhausted, I tend to believe that God is as well. Now, we can read through the Old Testament and see that He is pretty patient! The Israelites were brutal to God. They moaned and groaned. They argued and complained. They even worshipped a golden calf that they crafted themselves. We would never do that would we? Well, this isn't about us worshipping our idols, so I won't go into that...but the point is that He is patient. He remains fully Holy and fully God when we are completely depleted of everything good that we have in us (which there are several verses that would tell us we ain't all that). God's grace is sufficient. God's grace doesn't run out. God's goodness is part of who He is. He cannot forsake Himself, which means He cannot just stop being what or who He is. Think about those empty gas stations. That is US. We run out. We run dry. Then we freak out! One thing that will never be in short supply is His grace. Now, I will not get into the arguments of the book of Romans, but I say with Paul that we shouldn't continue sinning so that grace might increase!
Sometimes I start a new paragraph to stop rambling...I don't need to try to fill up on grace the night before so that I can be sure I'll have enough to get me through the next day. I don't need to "top off" my tank in case the well is dry. His mercies are new every morning. I cannot tell you how much of a relief that is for a woman like me. I love it that there is grace enough for me. I'm not stealing from you, and you are not stealing from me. God is sufficient. (If you are friends with me, this is where we say, "Praise Him" or "Amen")
I don't want to keep going...I just want that to be enough. I want Him to be enough for me. I want Him to be enough for you.
As you pass gas stations whether they are full, empty, or uneffected by Ike...just spend some time thanking God that He is abounding in love and faithfulness. He does not change like shifing shadows. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill? Ladies...He is full, and because of are we.
Let us remember to pray for those people who are missing more than gas due to Ike. There is still alot of work to be done.
Ali - I love it. I was just saying how by the time I get to Friday I am literally going on fumes. It is not unusual for me to lose my cool on Friday afternoons!
AND...ANY day would be great. Would it be easier to meet in Columbia? Let me know your thoughts. I know it may be a busy time of year with all the birthdays in your house and Christmas! So, no pressure! But, I will look forward to it whenever we do it!
I keep thinking about that song, "More Than Enough"....
All of You, is more than enough for...all of me, for every thirst and...every need, You satisfy me...with Your love, and all I have in You, is more than enough.
You're right...we do tend to try to "top off" or "fill up"...just in case. And again, you nail it when you say that His mercies are new every day. What a great thing to remember!
(for the record - while gas is almost non-existent and prices are sky-high in the south, our prices dropped here to $3.40 - lowest in several months - no shortages here)
Abundant mercy...rain down! :)
BTW, after being on the road all weekend I can officially say that it's primarily Augustans that have been driven into a frenzy over this gas mess. Would everyone quit freakin' out??? No other county we drove through has these kind of shortages.
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