This is a little early, but waiting until the end of the day makes bedtime later. My children worked really hard on their school work this morning so that I could visit with my sister and cousin (and they played with their cousins) so now they are in Lego Land and Caroline is asleep and I must tell you... my feet are up! I must also tell you that the toilet overflowed and the floor needs to be mopped, the juicer is still in the sink from this morning and lunch for 10 people still needs to be cleared, but I made a decision to sit a minute, and then I'll work. (Probably a bad order...but it's raining!)
So, Day 7. I was expecting a better day since yesterday and it has been. First of all, I think the bloating was related to something else more monthly than dietary. So, that is being resolved. And I feel a little more empowered that I did this at a tough time of the month...a munchy time. So, it's possible to say, "No, thank you." (Dang it, I overloaded the I have to get up...wait...yup) It wasn't overloaded, it was not balanced so it was banging around. I could hear my mother, "Alison! Get in here and do this right!" So, where was I? Day 7. I'm not digging drinking any longer. I will, however, finish. This morning I went ahead and chugged my "un-beet-able" which is, by the way, beatable. Now I have to focus on the water. Yesterday I only had 3 of the 5 juices for a few reasons, but wasn't insanely hungry. I would like to mention that the plantains that I had last night are currently sitting on the kitchen table. Renee brought them left over and I almost had 1 and stopped. There was no real reason, other than eating them last night, that I needed one. I think I'll put them in the freezer and when this is over pull them out and do something tasty with them. I've never had them because they look like bananas, but I really think they'll help with my sweet tooth. So, I see where the danger (for me) lies in little "breaks." So, there will be no more breaking, unless I'm going to break it. In fact, Renee brought a little dish that looked really delicious. It had some noodles and ground turkey, squash, tomatoes...Ashley (my sister who was also here) said it was great and the children ate it, too. Here's the thing, I bet it was good, but do I want to break this over someone's tasty leftovers? How often do we do that? Our standards are constantly reduced for something that isn't even that worth it. I mean, I'm sure it was good...but I haven't eat (UGH besides that plantain) in 7 first meal is going to be BANG-A-RANG!!! It makes me think about my life in general, especially before I was a Christian. There was so much settling and not enough standard. Not enough appreciation for that which was pure and beautiful. I resort to this animalistic nature when it comes to food. Then I don't even get the best. I don't wait to prepare something worth eating. So, I need to investigate some options and start working a little bit harder on meal prep. Especially having delicious combinations on hand to ENJOY not just fill a void.
It's telling, going back to just taking what's available. It's called settling...or not believing. We have asked the Lord where we should serve Him, where we are best suited and are HUMBLED by what He is pointing to. More on that some other time, but for the better part of my life I think I was scared that nothing better would come along, so I just took what was present. Not waiting for the good stuff. Another food analogy was that this summer we could have cookies with our lunch, but some nights the dessert was REALLY worth waiting for. If I stuck to my rule of only one dessert/day, which is still too much dessert, then I shouldn't have had dessert, but since I wasn't self-controlled, I had them both. (Until the end of the summer) So, the dessert, where it was still good, wasn't as special. So, I am seeing a pattern. If I peeled it back and back it's a trust issue. Not trusting that God had good things for me. Or, even being willing to wait until Heaven. Is Heaven worth the wait? Do I think that great things are worth waiting for? I won't go see what I mean.
So, I think I'll probably need to have a snack this afternoon because we are going to the Chiropractor tonight, which is awesome because it's my Uncle and he should have some incredible juicing tips...and we all feel so much better when we leave! Since it's Thursday I'm thinking about heading over to Earthfare to pick up what we'll need and then have the children eat for free, sparing me that meal preparation! It's getting easier, but it's still nice. So, I'm thinking I'll work in the kitchen and get that looking better and be able to work on some school stuff tonight.
That's all for now. I would encourage folks to try this. It reveals what we wouldn't normally see, or even want to see. There is something good about being pushed and living to tell the story. Even if it's pretty lame that the story that was so hard is that you drank only fresh food for 10 many people around the world would love that?
Alright, time to get back to life....I've enjoyed this little chat and I'll post more if there is more. If not, I'll write tomorrow on DAY 8!!!
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